Our new web site is
coming soon to you!
Keep in touch to not
fall behind!

Daring Scientific Projects, or DSP for short, is
a non-profit organization enabling communities,
living in remote and secluded villages of the
poorest African Countries to thrive and benefit
of self-sustainable development projects.
Utilizing scientific evidence-based methodologies
and expertise we help local communities to finds
the best contextual solutions for improving Health,
Sanitation, Education, Economic growth, and
Procurement of Essentials (water, energy, food,
medicines and connection to the global community).
We are a group of professionals devoting our
expertise to leave a long-term beneficial legacy
where it is needed the most.

Stay in contact, if you are interested to help
and support our projects: we need you
as a volunteer, donor and/or investor.
Let us know who you are to stay tuned by
writing at
